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About me ~

I was born and raised in the streets of India until I was ten years of age. I belong from a very small part of Surat in the state called Gujarat, in India. India was and will always be my motherland. Surat has many good aspects to itself as a city. It has fantastic foods, amazing people, and an even better culture. My motherland has taught me many life lessons on respecting everyone's culture and never differentiating between any other cultures and ours. 

With this lesson in mind, we moved to America in 2012. I would say the change from the Indian culture to American culture was fairly drastic. Everything was just so different. The air itself was different, along with food, people, structures... everything. Stepping into a completely different land was definitely an experience that has shaped me into what I am today. Especially the journey that started right after. Moving into a new home... my first day of elementary school... All of it was completely new for me as a ten-year-old. I also knew that my only true guidance would be my teachers and counselors. I owe my success in learning the English language and the American culture to my fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Hennette. She was always so accepting even though I was the only slow at learning certain things. My elementary class was also my biggest support despite some obvious bullying that I had to face in the very beginning.


This is a picture of my fifth-grade elementary class in the White Lick Elementary School, Brownsburg, Indiana.


There isn't much to my life. When I had moved to America, I was unaware of the fact that my life would become more of a robotic schedule than actually living it to the fullest as I had in India. I am in no way, shape, or form saying that I didn't have a schedule in India. I most definitely did, but I knew how to make up for that scheduled time and do the things I was passionate about. Such as dancing. In America, I never got the opportunity to pick up on my cultural dance because I had to learn more English and focus on my studies. That's why I wanted to pick up on a sport so that I can at least find home in some sort of physical activity. But I was unable to with the fact that I was being pushed to put that extra effort into my studies more than extracurricular activities. 

Me in my traditional outfit before my dance competition.

My second-best life experience was when I graduated from High school and entered college. Even though I had only focused on my studies and never participated in a sport... college somehow made me want to give in to that small part of me and invest some time in becoming physically active. No, I didn't join any sports in college. I did quite the opposite and started working out daily on my own. As much as I want to say that my first experience, me immigrating to America, is what shaped me into who I am today... I'd say that getting motivated to move again... dance again... workout again has made me a more confident version of myself than I ever have been. I am a shy girl and always have been. I am also a chubby girl and was "obese" not even three years ago. Losing weight may have been my motivation to starting to work out, but I slowly realized that it's my way of improving my life not just physically but mentally as well. I am a happier human when I am exercising. The day my father joined me in my workout sessions was the day I knew that exercising is not a chore but a blessing. It keeps me connected to myself and sometimes... it keeps me connected to my loved ones too.  

For this very reason, even though I do not have a dance instructor currently... I am still pursuing my dance format and learning new things about my bodily movement, each and every time I practice. That's why I have provided a tiny bit of a dance clip I recorded of myself performing to the right of this text. This is to introduce some of my Indian cultures to you as my audience and help you really get to know me. Enjoy!

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